Explain the functional perspective on social stratification.

 Explain the functional perspective on social stratification.

Basketball is one among the highest-paying professional sports. there's stratification even among teams. as an example , the Minnesota Timberwolves distribute rock bottom annual payroll, while the l. a. Lakers reportedly pay the very best . Kobe Bryant, a Lakers shooting guard, is one among the very best paid athletes within the NBA, earning around $30.5 million a year (Forbes 2014). Even within specific fields, layers are stratified and members are ranked.

In sociology, even a problem like NBA salaries are often seen from various points of view. Functionalists will examine the aim of such high salaries, while conflict theorists will study the exorbitant salaries as an unfair distribution of cash . Explain the functional perspective on social stratification. stratification takes on new meanings when it's examined from different sociological perspectives—functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.

In sociology, the functionalist perspective examines how society’s parts operate. consistent with functionalism, different aspects of society exist because they serve a needed purpose. what's the function of social stratification?

In 1945, sociologists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore published the Davis-Moore thesis, which argued that the greater the functional importance of a social role, the greater must be the reward. the idea posits that stratification represents the inherently unequal value of various work. Explain the functional perspective on social stratification. Certain tasks in society are more valuable than others. Qualified people that fill those positions must be rewarded quite others.

According to Davis and Moore, a firefighter’s job is more important than, as an example , a grocery cashier’s. The cashier position doesn't require an equivalent skill and training level as firefighting. Without the motivation of upper pay and better benefits, why would someone be willing to rush into burning buildings? If pay levels were an equivalent , the firefighter might also work as a grocery cashier. Davis and Moore believed that rewarding more important work with higher levels of income, prestige, and power encourages people to figure harder and longer.

Davis and Moore stated that, in most cases, the degree of skill required for employment determines that job’s importance. They also stated that the more skill required for employment , the less qualified people there would be to try to to that job. Certain jobs, like cleaning hallways or answering phones, don't require much skill. the workers don’t need a university degree. Other work, like designing a transportation system or delivering a baby, requires immense skill.

In 1953, Melvin Tumin countered the Davis-Moore thesis in “Some Principles of Stratification: A critical appraisal .” Tumin questioned what determined a job’s degree of importance. The Davis-Moore thesis doesn't explain, he argued, why a media personality with little education, skill, or talent becomes famous and rich on a reality show or a campaign trail. Explain the functional perspective on social stratification. The thesis also doesn't explain inequalities within the education system or inequalities thanks to race or gender. Tumin believed stratification prevented qualified people from attempting to fill roles (Tumin 1953). for instance , an underprivileged youth has less chance of becoming a scientist, regardless of how smart she is, due to the relative lack of opportunity available to her. The Davis-Moore thesis also doesn't explain why a basketeer earns many dollars a year when a doctor who saves lives, a soldier who fights for others’ rights, and an educator who helps form the minds of tomorrow will likely not make millions over the course of their careers.

The Davis-Moore thesis, though open for debate, was an early plan to explain why stratification exists. The thesis states that stratification is important to market excellence, productivity, and efficiency, thus giving people something to strive for. Davis and Moore believed that the system serves society as an entire because it allows everyone to profit to a particular extent.

Conflict theorists are deeply critical of stratification , asserting that it benefits just some people, not all of society. as an example , to a conflict theorist, it seems wrong that a basketeer is paid millions for an annual contract while a public school teacher earns $35,000 a year. Stratification, conflict theorists believe, perpetuates inequality. Explain the functional perspective on social stratification.  Conflict theorists attempt to bring awareness to inequalities, like how an upscale society can have numerous poor members.

Many conflict theorists draw on the work of Marx . During the nineteenth-century era of industrialization, Marx believed stratification resulted from people’s relationship to production. People were divided by one line: they either owned factories or worked in them. In Marx’s time, bourgeois capitalists owned high-producing businesses, factories, and land, as they still do today. Proletariats were the workers who performed the manual labour to supply goods. Upper-class capitalists raked in profits and got rich, while working-class proletariats earned skimpy wages and struggled to survive. With such opposing interests, the 2 groups were divided by differences of wealth and power. Explain the functional perspective on social stratification. Marx saw workers experience deep alienation, isolation and misery resulting from powerless status levels (Marx 1848). Marx argued that proletariats were oppressed by the money-hungry bourgeois.

Today, while working conditions have improved, conflict theorists believe that the strained working relationship between employers and employees still exists. Capitalists own the means of production, and a system is in situ to form business owners rich and keep workers poor. consistent with conflict theorists, the resulting stratification creates class conflict. If he were alive in today’s economy, because it recovers from a protracted recession, Marx would likely have argued that the recession resulted from the greed of capitalists, satisfied at the expense of working people.

Symbolic interactionism may be a theory that uses everyday interactions of people to elucidate society as an entire . Symbolic interactionism examines stratification from a micro-level perspective. This analysis strives to elucidate how people’s social standing affects their everyday interactions.


In most communities, people interact primarily with others who share an equivalent social standing. it's precisely due to stratification that folks tend to measure , work, and accompany others like themselves, people that share their same income level, educational background, or racial background, and even tastes in food, music, and clothing. The built-in system of stratification groups people together. this is often one among the explanations why it had been rare for a royal prince like England’s Prince William to marry a commoner.

Symbolic interactionists also note that people’s appearance reflects their perceived social standing. Housing, clothing, and transportation indicate social station , as do hairstyles, taste in accessories, and private style.

In 1945, sociologists Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore published the Davis-Moore thesis, which argued that the greater the functional importance of a social role, the greater must be the reward. the idea posits that stratification represents the inherently unequal value of various work. Certain tasks in society are more valuable than others (for example, doctors or lawyers). Qualified people that fill those positions are rewarded quite others.

According to Davis and Moore, a firefighter’s job is more important than, for instance, a grocery cashier’s job. The cashier position doesn't require similar skill and training level as firefighting. Without the motivation of upper pay, better benefits, and increased respect, why would someone be willing to rush into burning buildings? If pay levels were an equivalent , Explain the functional perspective on social stratification. the firefighter might also work as a grocery cashier and avoid the danger of firefighting. Davis and Moore believed that rewarding more important work with higher levels of income, prestige, and power encourages people to figure harder and longer.

Davis and Moore stated that, in most cases, the degree of skill required for employment determines that job’s importance. They noted that the more skill required for employment , the less qualified people there would be to try to to that job. Certain jobs, like cleaning hallways or answering phones, don't require much skill. Therefore, most of the people would be qualified for these positions. Other work, like designing a transportation system or delivering a baby, requires immense skill limiting the amount of individuals qualified to require on this sort of labor .

Many scholars have criticized the Davis-Moore thesis. In 1953, Melvin Tumin argued that it doesn't explain inequalities within the education system or inequalities thanks to race or gender. Tumin believed stratification prevented qualified people from attempting to fill roles (Tumin 1953).

According to structural-functionalists, stratification and inequality are inevitable and beneficial to society. The layers of society, conceptualized as a pyramid, are the inevitable sorting of unequal people. The layering is beneficial because it ensures that the simplest people are at the highest and people who are less worthy are further down the pyramid, and thus have less power and are given fewer rewards than the top quality people at the highest . The Davis-Moore hypothesis, advanced by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore during a paper published in 1945, may be a central claim within the structural functionalist paradigm, and purports that the unequal distribution of rewards serves a purpose in society. Inequality ensures that the foremost functionally important jobs are filled by the simplest qualified people. In other words, it is sensible for the CEO of a corporation , whose position is more important functionally, to form extra money than a janitor working for an equivalent company.

There are several problems with this approach to stratification. First, it's difficult to work out the functional importance of any job, because the accompanying specialization and inter-dependence make every position necessary to the general operation. consistent with this critique, the engineers during a factory, for instance , are even as important because the other workers within the factory to the success of a project. In another example, a grade school teacher within the U.S. earns $29,000 per annum , whereas a National Basketball Association player can earn the maximum amount as $21 million per annum . Are basketball players more essential to society than teachers? Are basketball players more functionally important than teachers? Explain the functional perspective on social stratification. In 2009, comedian Jerry Seinfeld earned $85 million. Do his earnings demonstrate his contribution to society? If NBA players or famous comedians went on strike and decided to not work, most of the people wouldn't notice. However, if teachers, bus drivers, nurses, cleaners, garbage collectors, or waitresses stopped working, society would close . Thus, functionalism are often critiqued on the idea that there's little connection between income and functional importance.

Second, functionalism assumes that the system of stratification is fair and rational, which the “best” people find yourself on top due to their superiority. But in real world , the system doesn't work so easily or perfectly. for instance , some would argue that former U.S. president George W. Bush wasn't the neatest or most politically talented individual, but he was well connected and born at the highest of the stratification system (white, male, wealthy, American), and thus was elected to an edge with great power—the U.S. presidency.

The Legal Field: Lawyers and judges tend to figure very long hours and are often subject to high stress situations; for instance , as they determine the fate of individuals’ freedom and therefore the allocation of huge sums of cash . Functionalists hold that the high pay and standing granted to lawyers acts as incentive to motivate qualified people to simply accept these drawbacks.



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