IGNOU MHI 01 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23

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M.H.I – 01

ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL SOCITIES MHI 01 Solved Assignment 2022-23

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Assignment I

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.

1. Discuss the impact of agriculture, invention of tools and discovery of fire in the development of human society.

2. Give a detailed account of the various mediums used for writing and communication in different civilizations.

3. Explain the nature of conflict between aristocracy and peasantry in ancient Greece. How did this conflict culminate in the establishment of democracy?

4. What do you understand by Nomadic Empire? Discuss the pattern of Nomadic migration during the period of your study.

5. Write short notes on any two of the following in 250 words each:

i) Kinship

ii) Burial practices in early civilizations

iii) Patricians and Plebeians

iv) Religious life of the Inkas and the Aztecs

Assignment - II

Answer the following questions in about 500 words each.

4. Compare and contrast Seligman’s and Wong’s visions of positive psychology.

5. Define character strengths and point out their significance.

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6. Explain forgiveness and highlight its importance for one’s well-being.

7. Explain the positive outcomes of grit and determination.

8. Define mindfulness and describe the dimensions of it.

Assignment - III

Answer the following questions in about 50 words each.

6. Analyse the process of decline of feudalism. Did the growth of urban centres contribute to decline of feudalism?

7. Write a note on the Imperial State in pre-modern Chinese civilization.

8. Discuss the overseas trade of Indian merchants in the 15th century. What was the impact of Portuguese on Indian overseas trade?

9. Give a brief account of the developments in the area of science and technology in medieval period.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following in 250 words each:

i) Armenian trading network

ii) Rise of Islam in Arab

iii) Towns of Arab and Islamic World

iv) Family structures in medieval Europe.

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IGNOU MHI 01 Solved Assignment English Medium 2022-23 The Indira Gandhi National Open  University has updated the IGNOU Assignment Status 2022-23 December Session so that students can know if their submission is completed or not. Now if you have also submitted your Assignment/Practical/Project till 15 December 2022 then you must be worried about the Assignment Status and Grade Card. So we decided to come up with https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in/ Assignment 2022-23.

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