MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22



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MPC 002 Solved Assignment

Course Code: MPC-002

Assignment Code: MPC-002/ASST/TMA/2021-22

Marks: 100

NOTE: All questions are compulsory.


Answer the following questions in 1000 words each. 3 x 15 = 45 marks

1. Discuss the characteristics of prenatal development. Explain the environmental influences during prenatal development.

·       During prenatal development, environmental factors can significantly affect the event of the kid .

·       Most everything the mother ingests, including food, liquid, and even medication, travels through the placenta to the fetus; anything the mother is exposed to within the environment affects the fetus.

·       A teratogen is any substance or agent within the environment which will have a detrimental effect on a developing fetus. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Various teratogens include drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and other environmental agents.

·       The adverse effects of a teratogen depend upon several factors, like the dose or level of exposure, heredity, age of the teratogen, and the other negative influences.

·       Any sort of prenatal stress felt by the mother can have negative effects on various aspects of fetal development; when a mother is under stress, physiological changes occur within the body that would harm the developing fetus.

Prenatal development is that the process that happens during the 40 weeks before the birth of a toddler. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 During each prenatal stage, environmental factors affect the event of the fetus. The developing fetus is totally hooked in to the mother for all times , and it’s important that the mother receives prenatal care, which is medical aid during pregnancy that monitors the health of both the mother and therefore the fetus. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 consistent with the National Institutes of Health ([NIH], 2013), routine prenatal care can reduce the danger of complications to the mother and fetus during pregnancy.

When the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus, the placenta is made . The placenta provides nourishment and oxygen to the fetus. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Most everything the mother ingests, including food, liquid, and even medication, travels through the placenta to the fetus—hence the common phrase that a mother “eats for 2 .” Anything the mother is exposed to within the environment affects the fetus; if the mother is exposed to something harmful, the kid can show life-long effects.

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A teratogen is any environmental substance or agent—biological, chemical, or physical—that can have a detrimental effect on a developing fetus. Exposure to teratogens during the prenatal stage can significantly raise the danger of birth defects. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Several factors influence the quantity of injury a teratogen can have, including dose or level of exposure, heredity, age of the teratogen, and the other negative influences (for example, several teratogens or a teratogen combined with poor health). There are several known teratogens that expectant mothers are advised to avoid during pregnancy, including alcohol, prescription and/or illegal drugs, and tobacco.


Alcohol and most drugs cross the placenta and affect the fetus. Alcohol use during pregnancy has been found to be the leading preventable explanation for mental disabilities in children within the us (Maier & West, 2001). MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Excessive maternal drinking while pregnant can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) with life-long consequences for the kid , ranging in severity from minor to major. it’s unknown what proportion alcohol is important to cause damage, then doctors typically recommend that alcohol should be completely avoided during pregnancy. Physically, children with FASD may have alittle head size and abnormal countenance . Cognitively, these children may have poor judgment, poor impulse control, higher rates of ADHD and learning issues, and lower IQ scores.

These developmental problems and delays persist into adulthood (Streissguth et al., 2004). supported studies conducted on animals, it also has been suggested that a mother’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy may predispose her child to love alcohol (Youngentob et al., 2007).Each organ of the fetus develops during a selected period within the pregnancy, called the critical or sensitive period. Research into FASD has demonstrated that the time during which a developing fetus is exposed to alcohol can dramatically affect the looks of facial characteristics related to FASD. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Specifically, this research suggests that alcohol exposure that’s limited to day 19 or 20 of gestation can cause significant facial abnormalities within the offspring of primates (Ashley, Magnuson, Omnell, & Clarren, 1999). Given regions of the brain also show sensitive periods during which they’re most vulnerable to the teratogenic effects of alcohol (Tran & Kelly, 2003).

2. Explain identity crisis during adolescence.

In psychology, identity crisis is a stage theory of identity development where it involves resolution of a conflict over the 8 stages of the lifespan. The term was coined by German psychologist Erik Erikson.

The stage of psychosocial development in which identity crisis may occur is called the identity cohesion vs. role confusion. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 During this stage, adolescents are faced with physical growth, sexual maturity, and integrating ideas of themselves and about what others think of them. Adolescents therefore form their self-image and endure the task of resolving the crisis of their basic ego identity. Successful resolution of the crisis depends on one's progress through previous developmental stages, centering on issues such as trust, autonomy, and initiative. 

Erikson's own interest in identity began in childhood. Born Ashkenazic Jewish, Erikson felt that he was an outsider. His later studies of cultural life among the Yurok of northern California and the Sioux of South Dakota helped formalize Erikson's ideas about identity development and identity crisis. Erikson described those going through an identity crisis as exhibiting confusion. 

An identity crisis is a developmental event that involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world. The concept originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important conflicts that people face. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22  According to Erikson, an identity crisis is a time of intensive analysis and exploration of different ways of looking at oneself.

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While developing a sense of identity is an important part of the teenage years, Erikson did not believe that the formation and growth of identity were confined to adolescence only. Instead, identity is something that shifts and changes throughout life as people confront new challenges and tackle different experiences.

Identity involves the experiences, relationships, beliefs, values, and memories that make up a person's subjective sense of self. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22  This helps create a continuous self-image that remains fairly constant even as new aspects of the self are developed or strengthened over time.

It is important to note that an identity crisis is not an actual diagnosis. Rather, a person going through an identity crisis may find themselves preoccupied with certain questions:

        What am I passionate about?

        What are my spiritual beliefs?

        What are my values?

        What is my role in society or purpose in life?

        Who am I? This question may be in general, or in regards to your relationships, age, and/or career.

While everyone questions their sense of self from time to time, you may be having an identity crisis if you are going through a big change or stressful time in life and the above questions begin to interfere with your daily life.

It is important to be aware that having negative feelings about yourself or your life can be an indicator of a vulnerability for depression. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22  If you are also experiencing depression symptoms such as low mood, loss of interest, fatigue, and irritability, you should talk to your doctor or mental health professional.

Researcher James Marcia expanded upon Erikson's initial theory. According to Marcia and his colleagues, the balance between identity and confusion lies in making a commitment to an identity.2

Marcia developed an interview method to measure identity that looks at three different areas of functioning: occupational role, beliefs and values, and sexuality. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22  He also identified four different identity statuses that people move through as they develop their identity.

        Foreclosure status is when a person has made a commitment without attempting identity exploration.

        Identity achievement occurs when an individual has gone through an exploration of different identities and made a commitment to one.

        Identity diffusion occurs when there is neither an identity crisis nor commitment. Those with a status of identity diffusion tend to feel out of place in the world and don't pursue a sense of identity.

        Moratorium is the status of a person who is actively involved in exploring different identities but has not made a commitment.

Marcia argued that identity crises help people move from one status to another.

However, people don't necessarily experience each of the statuses above.

Identity refers to our sense of who we are as individuals and as members of social groups. Our identities are not simply our own creation: identities grow in response to both internal and external factors. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 To some extent, each of us chooses an identity, but identities are also formed by environmental forces out of our control [4].

Many dimensions of our identity intersect to form our sense of self and cannot be separated from one another. Visible dimensions of identity, such as race and gender, tend to be more important for individuals since they are significant to the individual in every social context and carry more serious consequences in society [4]. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, race may be important in all social interactions, but political identity, which is not ordinarily visible, may be relevant for some individuals only during election time.

Jasneet's parents were born in India but she is an American citizen and generally selfidentifies as an American. She chooses to celebrate the Indian festival of Diwali with her parents and extended family but celebrates American holidays with her peers from high school.

In this case, Jasneet has an American national identity, but in her home environment finds that her ethnic identity may be important. In her school environment, she may celebrate American holidays and traditions. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This illustrates how national and ethnic self identities may vary depending on the social context.

In the 1960s, psychologist Erik Erikson argued that adolescents face a major identity crisis, "Identity vs. Identity Diffusion," which he considered one of the stages of psycho-social development [3]. Successful resolution leads to a secure identity; failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. The key to resolving this crisis lies within the adolescent's interaction with others. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 James Marcia, also a developmental psychologist, described similar tasks for adolescents, but rather than characterizing them as "stages" he believed the process was non-linear [7]. Marcia proposed that "statuses" of identity development occur in response to crises in domains such as school, relationships, and values, rather than progressing in a linear fashion. According to Marcia:

Identity Diffusion is the status of adolescents who have not made a commitment to a particular identity. A youth who has not yet considered college or job prospects, for example, could be said to be in the "identity diffusion" status with respect to his professional identity (although in other dimensions his self-identity may be strong). MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This status may not be resolved unless some experience forces a crisis.

        Identity Foreclosure involves committing to an identity prematurely without exploration or choice. This might occur, for example, when traditions are compulsory or parents are insistent on a particular identity, "foreclosing" conscious choice by the adolescent.

        Identity Moratorium is a stage of active exploration coupled with low commitment to a particular identity [1]. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This is an interesting, exciting, and potentially dangerous time for an adolescent that often leads to conflict with parents or other authority figures. Adolescents need to be free to explore their identities, but also need guidance and support to proceed safely through this status.

                  Identity Achievement is said to occur when the adolescent, having had the opportunity to closely explore an identity, chooses that identity with a high degree of commitment.

3. Discuss psychosocial changes during early adulthood.

Erikson believed that the main task of early adulthood was to establish intimate relationships. Intimate relationships are more difficult if one is still struggling with identity. Achieving a sense of identity is a life-long process, but there are periods of identity crisis and stability. And having some sense of identify is essential for intimate relationships. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In early adulthood, intimacy (or emotional or psychological closeness) comes from friendships and mates.

Many of the developmental tasks of early adulthood involve becoming part of the adult world and gaining independence. Young adults sometimes complain that they are not treated with respect-especially if they are put in positions of authority over older workers. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Consequently, young adults may emphasize their age to gain credibility from those who are even slightly younger. “You’re only 23? I’m 27!” a young adult might exclaim. (Note: This kind of statement is much less likely to come from someone in their 40s!).

The focus of early adulthood is often on the future. Many aspects of life are on hold while people go to school, go to work, and prepare for a brighter future. There may be a belief that the hurried life now lived will improve ‘as soon as I finish school’ or ‘as soon as I get promoted’ or ‘as soon as the children get a little older.’ As a result, time may seem to pass rather quickly. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The day consists of meeting many demands that these tasks bring. The incentive for working so hard is that it will all result in better future.

In 1978, Daniel Levinson published a book entitled The Seasons of a Man’s Life in which he presented a theory of development in adulthood. Levinson’s work was based on indepth interviews with 40 men between the ages of 35-45. He later conducted interviews with women as well (1996). According to Levinson, these adults have an image of the future that motivates them. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This image is called “the dream” and for the men interviewed, it was a dream of how their career paths would progress and where they would be at midlife. Women held a “split dream”; an image of the future in both work and family life and a concern with the timing and coordination of the two. Dreams are very motivating. Dreams of a home bring excitement to couples as they look, save, and fantasize about how life will be. Dreams of careers motivate students to continue in school as they fantasize about how much their hard work will pay off. Dreams of playgrounds on a summer day inspire would be parents. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22  A dream is perfect and retains that perfection as long as it remains in the future. But as the realization of it moves closer, it may or may not measure up to its image. If it does, all is well. But if it does not, the image must be replaced or modified. And so, in adulthood, plans are made, efforts follow, and plans are reevaluated. This creating and recreating characterizes Levinson’s theory.

Levinson’s stages are presented below (Levinson, 1978). He suggests that period of transition last about 5 years and periods of “settling down” last about 7 years. The ages presented below are based on life in the middle class about 30 years ago. Think about how these ages and transitions might be different today.

        Early adult transition (17-22): Leaving home, leaving family; making first choices about career and education

        Entering the adult world (22-28): Committing to an occupation, defining goals, finding intimate relationships

        Age 30 transition (28-33): Reevaluating those choices and perhaps making modifications or changing one’s attitude toward love and work

        Settling down (33 to 40): Reinvesting in work and family commitments; becoming involved in the community

        Midlife transition (40-45): Reevaluating previous commitments; making dramatic changes if necessary; giving expression to previously ignored talents or aspirations; feeling more of a sense of urgency about life and its meaning

        Entering middle adulthood (45-50): Committing to new choices made and placing one’s energies into these commitments

Adulthood, then, is a period of building and rebuilding one’s life. Many of the decisions that are made in early adulthood are made before a person has had enough experience to really understand the consequences of such decisions. And, perhaps, many of these initial decisions are made with one goal in mind-to be seen as an adult. As a result, early decisions may be driven more by the expectations of others. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, imagine someone who chose a career path based on other’s advice but now find that the job is not what was expected. The age 30 transition may involve recommitting to the same job, not because it’s stimulating, but because it pays well. Settling down may involve settling down with a new set of expectations for that job. As the adult gains status, he or she may be freer to make more independent choices. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 And sometimes these are very different from those previously made. The midlife transition differs from the age 30 transition in that the person is more aware of how much time has gone by and how much time is left. This brings a sense of urgency and impatience about making changes. The future focus of early adulthood gives way to an emphasis on the present in midlife. (We will explore this in our next lesson.) Overall, Levinson calls our attention to the dynamic nature of adulthood.

In our twenties, intimacy needs may be met in friendships rather than with partners. This is especially true in the United States today as many young adults postpone making longterm commitments to partners either in marriage or in cohabitation. The kinds of friendships shared by women tend to differ from those shared by men (Tannen, 1990). Friendships between men are more likely to involve sharing information, providing solutions, or focusing on activities rather than discussion problems or emotions. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Men tend to discuss opinions or factual information or spend time together in an activity of mutual interest. Friendships between women are more likely to focus on sharing weaknesses, emotions, or problems. Women talk about difficulties they are having in other relationships and express their sadness, frustrations, and joys. These differences in approaches lead to problems when men and women come together. She may want to vent about a problem she is having; he may want to provide a solution and move on to some activity. But when he offers a solution, she thinks he does not care!

Friendships between men and women become more difficult because of the unspoken question about whether the friendships will lead to a romantic involvement. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 It may be acceptable to have opposite-sex friends as an adolescent, but once a person begins dating or marries; such friendships can be considered threatening. Consequently, friendships may diminish once a person has a partner or single friends may be replaced with couple friends.


Answer the following questions in 400 words each. 5 x 5 = 25 marks

4. Discuss the main interactive forces and issues in life span development.

Lifespan development is a process beginning at conception that continues until death. Lifespan development can be defined as a methodical, intra individual change associated with progressions corresponding to age. Levinson has put forward that the lifespan consists of four 25 years. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The first 25 years belong to childhood and adolescence, the second 25 years to early adulthood, the next 25 years to middle adulthood and the last 25 years to late adulthood. According to lifespan development concept, the lifespan development is multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, multidisciplinary and contextual. The human development domains consist of the physical domain, the cognitive domain and the social domain. The physical domain consists of the physical changes during growth, the cognitive domain refers to how humans learn and the social domain is in regard to the development of social skills and developing relationships. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 All disciplines such as sociology, psychology, medicine, biology, anthropology etc., are interested in the lifespan development and thus understanding of lifespan development requires viewing human development from various perspectives. Thus one could state that human development is a multidisciplinary study of how people change and how they remain the same over time.

In the past most of the scientific literature on development focused on childhood and adolescent years. This was because the changes that occur during these early years are rapid in rate and obvious and observable, especially the physical, mental and personality differences which are not as readily detectable in later life as in early years. It was also assumed that the adult can be understood in terms of childhood experiences since the adult was perceived as an end product rather than as a continuously developing individual. Also the life expectancy was relatively short and few researchers directed their energies toward the study of the entire life cycle. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 The physical and behavioural changes in adulthood were so subtle that their significance in the developmental sequence was ignored for many years.

Interest in adult development and ageing evolved only in the late 1940’s. The rapid growth of the adult population and longer life expectancy gave rise to a number of problems to the adults themselves as well as to their families, employers and the society. This created a need to pay attention to the developmental changes in the adult years of life. In addition, by studying the events of adulthood like marriage, parenthood or occupational status, the entire life cycle can be placed in a more balanced perspective. IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Recently a new theoretical view of studying growth and development of behavioural changes of the entire life cycle from conception through old age emerged as a pursuit of scientific research. It emphasises on development as a lifelong process and that each period of a person’s life span is influenced by what has already occurred and will effect the periods that follow.

5. Explain cognitive development during infancy.

Infants and toddlers are born ready to learn. They learn through cuddling with a caregiver, listening to language, trying out sounds, stretching on the floor, reaching for objects, tasting foods, and exploring their environments in countless ways everyday. IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Their brains go through amazing changes during the first three years of life. This lesson will highlight cognitive developmental milestones for infants and toddlers.

Infants' and toddlers' thinking skills grow as they interact with the world and people around them. As you learned in the first lesson, early experiences matter. Consistent, nurturing experiences help infants and toddlers make sense of the world. Those experiences literally build brain architecture. IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 As infants and toddlers develop, they begin to understand and predict how things work: they open and close a cabinet door over and over, they fill and dump a cup of water in the water table, they bang a spoon on a high chair to hear the sound.

Watching an infant or toddler make new discoveries is truly exciting. Think of how exciting it is the first time an infant stacks blocks (and knocks them down) or the first time a toddler pretends to "read" a book to you. The chart below highlights infant and toddler cognitive development as they grow. IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Keep in mind that individual differences exist when it comes to the specific age at which infants and toddlers meet these milestones and that each infant and toddler is unique. As you may have already learned in other courses, milestones provide a guide for when to expect certain skills or behaviors to emerge. Think of milestones as guidelines to help you understand and identify typical patterns of growth and development, or to help you know when and what to look for as young children mature. IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 As an infant and toddler caregiver, you can use this information, what you learn from families and your own knowledge in the interactions, experiences, and environments you create for infants and toddlers.

It's important to know that how infants and toddlers are assigned to classrooms may not reflect the age spans listed above. There are programs that regroup children every six months and those that use multi-age or family-style groupings, which keep children and their teachers together for a longer period of time. It is best practice to minimize the number of times infants and toddlers have to transition from one age group to the next.

Cognitive development is a unique process and is specific to each infant, toddler, and family. Many factors influence cognitive development including genes, prenatal events (i.e., before or during birth), and aspects of the child's environment. A family may wonder about their young child's cognitive development and feel uncertain about what they are observing, as well as what to expect.

6. What are the types of motor development during early school years?

Children grow and develop rapidly in their first five years across the four main areas of development. These areas are motor (physical), communication and language, cognitive, and social and emotional. Early intervention services are delivered during this critical time of development.

Motor development means the physical growth and strengthening of a child’s bones, muscles and ability to move and touch his/her surroundings. IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 A child’s motor development falls into two categories: fine motor and gross motor.

Fine motor skills refer to small movements in the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips and tongue. Gross motor skills involve motor development of muscles that enable babies to hold up their heads, sit and crawl, and eventually walk, run, jump and skip.

Typical motor skill development follows a predictable sequence. It starts from the inner body, including the head, neck, arms and legs, and then moves to the outer body such as hands, feet, fingers and toes. Motor development is important throughout a child’s early life, because physical development is tied to other development areas. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, if a child is able to crawl or walk (gross motor skills), he/she can more easily explore their physical environment, which affects cognitive development. Social and emotional development progresses when a child can speak, eat and drink (fine motor skills).

Parents and caregivers can help develop a child’s motor skills at all ages. Some activities include:

        Placing your baby on his/her tummy, and helping him/her reach for a toy.

        Putting a toy on the couch for your child to stretch toward when a he/she starts to stand.

        Encouraging walking with a stroller your little one can push.

        Visiting playgrounds, where your child can climb, swing and slide.

For more information on how to encourage and support a child’s development, visit the Motor Development Milestones page.

The term "gross motor" development refers to physical skills that use large body movements, normally involving the entire body. In the sense used here, gross means "large" rather than "disgusting."

Between ages 2 and 3 years, young children stop "toddling," or using the awkward, widelegged robot-like stance that is the hallmark of new walkers. As they develop a smoother gait, they also develop the ability to run, jump, and hop. Children of this age can participate in throwing and catching games with larger balls. They can also push themselves around with their feet while sitting on a riding toy.

Children who are 3 to 4 years old can climb up stairs using a method of bringing both feet together on each step before proceeding to the next step (in contrast, adults place one foot on each step in sequence). MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 However, young children may still need some "back-up" assistance to prevent falls in case they become unsteady in this new skill. Children of this age will also be stumped when it's time to go back down the stairs; they tend to turn around and scoot down the stairs backwards. 3 to 4 year olds can jump and hop higher as their leg muscles grow stronger. Many can even hop on one foot for short periods of time.

7. Elucidate Kohlberg’s idea on moral development.

Lawrence Kohlberg expanded on the earlier work of cognitive theorist Jean Piaget to explain the moral development of children. Kohlberg believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages. He used the idea of moral dilemmas—stories that present conflicting ideas about two moral values—to teach 10 to 16 year-old boys about morality and values. The best known moral dilemma created by Kohlberg is the “Heinz” dilemma, which discusses the idea of obeying the law versus saving a life. Kohlberg emphasized that it is the way an individual reasons about a dilemma that determines positive moral development.

After presenting people with various moral dilemmas, Kohlberg reviewed people’s responses and placed them in different stages of moral reasoning. According to Kohlberg, an individual progresses from the capacity for pre-conventional morality (before age 9) to the capacity for conventional morality (early adolescence), and toward attaining postconventional morality (once Piaget’s idea of formal operational thought is attained), which only a few fully achieve. Each level of morality contains two stages, which provide the basis for moral development in various contexts.

Kohlberg identified three levels of moral reasoning: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional. Each level is associated with increasingly complex stages of moral development.

Kohlberg's theory of moral development is a theory that focuses on how children develop morality and moral reasoning. Kohlberg's theory suggests that moral development occurs in a series of six stages. The theory also suggests that moral logic is primarily focused on seeking and maintaining justice.

How do people develop morality? This question has fascinated parents, religious leaders, and philosophers for ages, but moral development has also become a hot-button issue in psychology and education.1 Do parental or societal influences play a greater role in moral development? Do all kids develop morality in similar ways?

American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg developed one of the best-known theories exploring some of these basic questions.2 His work modified and expanded upon Jean Piaget's previous work but was more centered on explaining how children develop moral reasoning.

How did the two theories differ? Piaget described a two-stage process of moral development.3 Kohlberg extended Piaget's theory, proposing that moral development is a continual process that occurs throughout the lifespan.  His theory outlines six stages of moral development within three different levels.

Kohlberg based his theory on a series of moral dilemmas presented to his study subjects. Participants were also interviewed to determine the reasoning behind their judgments in each scenario.5

One example was "Heinz Steals the Drug." In this scenario, a woman has cancer and her doctors believe only one drug might save her. This drug had been discovered by a local pharmacist and he was able to make it for $200 per dose and sell it for $2,000 per dose. The woman's husband, Heinz, could only raise $1,000 to buy the drug.

8. Discuss cognitive changes during late adulthood.

Late adulthood is the stage of life from the 60s onward; it constitutes the last stage of physical change. Average life expectancy in the United States is around 80 years; however, this varies greatly based on factors such as socioeconomic status, region, and access to medical care. In general, women tend to live longer than men by an average of five years. During late adulthood the skin continues to lose elasticity, reaction time slows further, and muscle strength diminishes. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Hearing and vision—so sharp in our twenties—decline significantly; cataracts, or cloudy areas of the eyes that result in vision loss, are frequent. The other senses, such as taste, touch, and smell, are also less sensitive than they were in earlier years. The immune system is weakened, and many older people are more susceptible to illness, cancer, diabetes, and other ailments. Cardiovascular and respiratory problems become more common in old age. Seniors also experience a decrease in physical mobility and a loss of balance, which can result in falls and injuries.

 Older adults retain semantic memory or the ability to remember vocabulary.

Younger adults rely more on mental rehearsal strategies to store and retrieve information. Older adults focus rely more on external cues such as familiarity and context to recall information (Berk, 2007). And they are more likely to report the main idea of a story rather than all of the details (Jepson & Labouvie-Vief, in Berk, 2007).

A positive attitude about being able to learn and remember plays an important role in memory. When people are under stress (perhaps feeling stressed about memory loss), they have a more difficult time taking in information because they are preoccupied with anxieties. Many of the laboratory memory tests require comparing the performance of older and younger adults on timed memory tests in which older adults do not perform as well. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 However, few real life situations require speedy responses to memory tasks. Older adults rely on more meaningful cues to remember facts and events without any impairment to everyday living.

There are numerous stereotypes regarding older adults as being forgetful and confused, but what does the research on memory and cognition in late adulthood reveal? Memory comes in many types, such as working, episodic, semantic, implicit, and prospective. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 There are also many processes involved in memory, thus it should not be a surprise that there are declines in some types of memory and memory processes, while other areas of memory are maintained or even show some improvement with age. In this section, we will focus on changes in memory, attention, problem-solving, intelligence, and wisdom, including the exaggeration of losses stereotyped in the elderly.


Answer the following questions in 50 words each. 10 x 3 = 30 marks

9. Phonology and Semantics

Phonology deals with study of sound by determining the rules of a language. It includes the study of distribution and pronunciation of sounds in speech. On the other hand, Semantics is the study of the meaning in language. It analyses the meanings derived from word, phrases and sentences. Both are important branches of linguistics.

10. New egocentrism

 The term egocentric is a concept that originated within Piaget's theory of childhood development. Egocentrism refers to someone's inability to understand that another person's view or opinion may be different than their own.

 It represents a cognitive bias, in that someone would assume that others share the same perspective as they do, unable to imagine that other people would have a perception of their own.

11. Identification of learning disability

The following inclusion criteria are used in identification of learning disabled children. Normal intelligence performance or verbal IQ equal or greater than normal range. Normal sensory functioning (After correction). MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Retardation in learning areas such as reading, writing and Arithmetic.

In the 1980s, NJCLD, therefore, defined the term learning disability as: a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical abilities.

12. Gifted and talented children

Gifted children are born with natural abilities well above the average for their age. If your child is gifted, you might notice these natural abilities in the way she’s learning and developing.

This means that gifted children become talented when they use their natural gifts to learn, concentrate and practise. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 For example, if your child is gifted musically and you give her opportunities to learn a musical instrument, she might develop a talent for playing.

13. Ageism

Ageism, also spelled agism, is stereotyping and/or discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. This may be casual or systemic. The term was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler to describe discrimination against seniors, and patterned on sexism and racism. Butler defined "ageism" as a combination of three connected elements. 

14. Life structure

Ageism, also spelled agism, is stereotyping and/or discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age. This may be casual or systemic. The term was coined in 1969 by Robert Neil Butler to describe discrimination against seniors, and patterned on sexism and racism. Butler defined "ageism" as a combination of three connected elements. 

15. Attachment patterns

Ainsworth’s research led to the identification of three attachment patterns. In general, she described infant-caregiver relationships as either secure or insecure. Insecure attachment can be further subdivided into either an avoidant or resistant patterns depending on the particular pattern of behaviour displayed by the infant. For each attachment pattern there is a corresponding caregiving style.

16. Mid-life crisis

A midlife crisis is a transition of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middleaged individuals, typically 45 to 65 years old. The phenomenon is described as a psychological crisis brought about by events that highlight a person's growing age, inevitable mortality, and possibly lack of accomplishments in life. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 This may produce feelings of intense depression, remorse, and high levels of anxiety, or the desire to achieve youthfulness or make drastic changes to their current lifestyle or feel the wish to change past decisions and events.

17. Relationships in late adulthood

During late adulthood, many people find that their relationships with their adult children, siblings, spouses, or life partners change. Roles may also change, as many are grandparents or great-grandparents, caregivers to even older parents or spouses, or receivers of care in a nursing home or other care facility. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 It has become increasingly common for grandparents to live with and raise their grandchildren, or also to move back in with adult children in their later years.  

18. Formal operational stage

The formal operational stage begins at approximately age twelve and lasts into adulthood. As adolescents enter this stage, they gain the ability to think in an abstract manner by manipulating ideas in their head, without any dependence on concrete manipulation (Inhelder & Piaget, 1958).

The child who needs to draw a picture or use objects is still in the concrete operational stage, whereas children who can reason the answer in their heads are using formal operational thinking.

IGNOU MPC 002  Solved Assignment 2021-22: FREE IGNOU Assignment You can Get All students of university who needs to submit assignments should download old assignments of the respective course of 2021 available above and submit at the concerned study center. The last dates will be 30th April and 30th October of every year until their registration is valid. New assignments will not be available any more for students as course The term egocentric is a concept that originated within Piaget's theory of childhood development. Egocentrism refers to someone's inability to understand that another person's view or opinion may be different than their own.

MPC 002 PERSONALITY: THEORIES AND ASSESSMENT Solved Assignment 2021-22, MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22, IGNOU Solved Assignment 2021-22, IGNOU MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22

 It represents a cognitive bias, in that someone would assume that others share the same perspective as they do, unable to imagine that other people would have a perception of their own.

Where can I find Ignou solved assignment?

If you didn't get an Assignment Question yet then you can download it from the IGNOU Assignments section page. Just collect questions and start writing your assignment with the available solutions. IGNOU is very strict about checking of assignments submitted by students to IGNOU Study Centre.

How can we submit Ignou assignment?

Now students have to submit their assignments online to Madhyam before the scheduled date. You can submit your annual assignment through the online link. Through the online submission links issued by the university, you can submit your assignment from home.

How can I submit Ignou assignment online 2021?

The email must carry the following details of the sender:

  • 1.     Name of the learner:
  • 2.     Enrollment number:
  • 3.     Regional Centre Code:
  • 4.     Study Centre Code:
  • 5.     Programme Code:
  • 6.     Course Code(s) of attached assignments:
  • 7.     Mobile number:
  • 8.     Email ID:

How can I get first page of Ignou assignment?

The first page must include the following information.

  • 1.     Name.
  • 2.     Roll number.
  • 3.     Address.
  • 4.     Assignment number.
  • 5.     Name of the course.
  • 6.     Study Centre.
  • 7.     Programme.

Date of submission.

MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 You also directly download IGNOU Assignment Question Paper from – Follow the advice and Guidelines by IGNOU University , MPC 002  Solved Assignment 2021-22 For checking Guidelines you can see your question paper clearly, after seeing the question paper candidate still have any query related with IGNOU Solved Assignment , they can ask to their teacher if Students want any information they also can contact us. We will provide all IGNOU Help – 8130208920 (From 10:00AM to 7:00PM)

IGNOU Assignment Status 2021-22

MPC 002 PERSONALITY: THEORIES AND ASSESSMENT Solved Assignment 2021-22: Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.

Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result. MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.

MPC 002  Solved Assignment 2021-22 Here the students can check their IGNOU Assignment Status, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.

Once the TEE assignments have been submitted to the Centres, it is send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

Here the scholars can check their IGNOU Assignment Status 2020, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.

MPC 002 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

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